Pensar es más interesante que saber, pero menos interesante que mirar.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

Tennessee legislators fail on immigrants and Governor Haslam confirms HB 2315

Tennessee state House and Senate recently approved the HB 2315 bill which allows local authorities to inquire about immigration status during routine operations and Governor Haslam will allow it to become law (Commercial Appeal)

This is a mistake that will affect thousands of people and goes against most of the Tennesseans will.

Last Thursday (May 17th, 2018) Nashville Public Radio published an article sharing the results of a Vanderbilt poll demonstrating that 56 % of Tennesseans supported undocumented people applying to U.S citizenship: "A new poll from Vanderbilt University finds that 56 percent of Tennessee voters say undocumented immigrants "should be allowed to stay in the country and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship." That's up from 48 percent when Vanderbilt first asked the question nearly six years ago"

The poll also shows how Tennesseans support the In-state tuition for DACA recipients by 65%, another bill that state legislators have denied several years by now: "Support for making people in the DACA program eligible for in-state college tuition was even higher. According to Vanderbilt, 65 percent of Tennesseans believe they should be eligible".

This important Vanderbilt poll demonstrates that state legislators are misrepresenting Tennesseans at least in two important topics and Governor Haslam will allow this to continue (Tennessean). Tennesseans are becoming more moderate in these topics and the actual representatives are not doing their job representing Tennesseans will.

Hopefully, Tennesseans will keep state representatives accountable in November voting.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Our modern US slavery system or, How corporations benefit from the Immigration system

I'm sharing this paper that presents the analysis about how the Texas Legislature recently gave serious consideration to legislation that would have allowed the granting of childcare licenses to immigration detention centers that hold asylum-seeking mothers and children.

We need to realize that corporations like GEO Group benefit from a broken system and profits from human beings. This is our new form of slavery in the US.

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

Manuel Durán and the violation of his first amendment right

Manuel Durán is a journalist that worked hard and covered all matters related to Latinos in Memphis. He was detained while documenting a march in Memphis in the context of MLK50 outside 201 Poplar in April 3rd (Link)

It's been a while since I write at this blog and I do it to share a letter written by himself while he is incarcerated in Lousiana in a private federal facility.

Chief Robert Moore from Shelby County collaborates with ICE.
The current administration is now criminalizing our community as a strategy to establish any sort of criminal backgrounds that will affect their chances in the immigration case. Chief Robert Moore from Shelby County is cooperating with ICE honoring and implementing a detention hold that has affected seriously our community. Simple traffic tickets -or dismissed cases like Manuel's- end up in deportation and we need to address this at a local level. 

Memphis Police Department also failed in this case ordering to detain Manuel while he was wearing a press badge and was aside from the march. This MPD officer ordered his detention and the other picture shows Manuel seconds before he was detained.

I've witnessed Manuel's passion for the freedom of speech and his commitment to our community. Please take some time to read this article and stand with us against a broken immigration system (Link)

Help us spread the word and join us fighting against racism and xenophobia. At a local level, we need to ask Chief Robert Moore to stop honoring the immigration hold.
#FreeManuelDuran #ManuelDuran

This is the letter Manuel Duran wrote from the ICE detention facility in Louisiana:

I cannot thank you enough for the support I have received since the moment of my arrest and subsequent transfer and incarceration in Louisiana. This episode of my life has not been easy, but I have taken it as an opportunity to learn first-hand the drama and reality that our families are living when they are arrested by immigration and then deported.

Families like Jorge’s, who is in detention with me. He has been in jail for 3 months; he has three very young children, 4, 5, and 10. One of them has a heart problem. But Jorge will be deported as soon as his trip is allowed by his country’s consulate. He could not fight his case because he could not afford an immigration attorney.

Or Fernando’s, who is 64 years old and has three US citizen children, but has been in detention for the past 7 months and is now about to be deported back to his country, away from his family and everything he knows, after his attorney couldn’t win his case.

Once you’re inside the detention facility it is extremely hard to get the phone number of a private attorney and if you are lucky enough to find one, their fees are unaffordable.

No one should be deprived of their freedoms just for wanting a better future for their children. This is a cruel system that criminalizes people who pose no danger to this country.

My greatest challenge will be to continue working for my people, no matter where I’m at. I could say that my destiny lies now in the hands of an immigration judge in Atlanta. Someone I have never met and someone who does not know my story and I may never be granted the opportunity to tell my story, but my destiny lies in the hands of the judge of judges, and I’m willing to accept His decision.

Through this experience, I have learned first-hand about the treatment immigrants receive before they are deported. How they keep the lights on day and night, so you sleep with a towel over your eyes.

How they randomly make you lie in bed for 45+ minutes for roll call with no breaks to use the bathroom. How they fall to inform you when your attorney calls. How you get paid dimes for work and you are on your own if you have no one outside adding funds to your commissary. How the visitation hours and your recreation hours happen at the time so you must choose between seeing your family and getting some air. How the phones in the visitation room do not work and you must scream through the soundproof windows. I will keep taking notes about my experience and I will keep on collecting my cellmates’ stories while I’m here.

I am so fortunate that my family has the ability to travel to Jena, LA to see me. Many families, families like Jose’s, cannot travel to see him because they cannot afford the trip. Many of my cellmate families cannot come to Louisiana because they cannot pay for it, or are too afraid to make the trip, or cannot come inside the facility because they are undocumented themselves.

As for me, I miss my home. I miss everything I left behind. I miss my life before April 3, I miss being in touch with my people and reading their messages. It is extremely difficult being cut off from everyone back home, uninformed, and alone. I try to stay positive as much as I can, but it’s not easy being isolated, and sometimes I just feel like giving up.

Thanks to all who have shown solidarity because of my story. Thanks to the organizations and to the press, who have given me their support. Thanks to my family. Thanks to all the people who have not abandoned me in this test.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. And finally, thanks to the team of lawyers who are working to free me from this prison.

Blessings, Manuel Duran.

#FreeManuelDuran #ManuelDuran

En Español aqui:

domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018

Interfaith / Intercultural

'Do justice, love mercy, be humble': Hundreds pledge to help make Memphis a more just city

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

¿En verdad pagaremos por el muro?

Ésta fue la primer pregunta que escuché esta mañana en una llamada a mi familia. La hizo mi hijo de 10 años preocupado por escuchar que Trump ganó la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.

Escribo esto desde Kingsbury Highschool una preparatoria pública de Memphis, TN en donde la comunidad de color alcanza el 77%. La comunidad latina representa el 32%, la afroamericana el 45% y la comunidad blanca el 18%. La preparatoria se encuentra en un estado históricamente republicano en el cual Trump obtuvo 61% del voto y Hillary el 35%. Este día y en este espacio concreto es difícil creer lo que ayer eligió más de la mitad de votantes en este país... no lo vieron venir y yo tampoco lo vi venir.

Trump representaba en muchos sentidos lo que desde la mirada "liberal" es detestable: Intolerancia, racismo, humillación de la figura femenina, enjuiciamiento de las minorías, reducción al mínimo de los impuestos y también la convicción de que es el estado quien decide sobre el cuerpo de la mujer en el tema del aborto. Contó con el apoyo de los grupos más conservadores incluyendo obviamente la NRA, "White supremacy groups",  la actual versión del KKK, el apoyo de los grupos cristianos (incluyendo la comunidad católica) y todo el apoyo de una población blanca con bajos niveles educativos que ha experimentado dificultades económicas. Estos grupos que difieren en muchos aspectos, ayer se alinearon en torno a Trump.

Trump, para estos sectores conservadores, representó "un cambio". Su discursó contenía lo que estos sectores quería escuchar y despertó la pasión y la movilización de "otro proyecto". Un proyecto que al día de hoy nadie conoce pero que logró posicionar como algo distinto al status quo, algo distinto a Obama. Las semanas previas a la elección fui testigo de cómo los medios sin restricción alguna hicieron sus apuestas y utilizaron toda su maquinaria a favor de uno u otro candidato. Trump dejó listo todo para destruir la confiabilidad de las elecciones en caso de no resultar ganador y en cierta forma "la institucionalidad" de las elecciones no sufrió un daño mayor porque finalmente el resultado le favoreció.

Hoy, la bibliotecaria de Kingsbury me comenta que lamenta profundamente no haberse organizado mejor como cuando su comunidad apoyó a Obama en las elecciones anteriores. No puede creer que esto esté sucediendo, no lo vio venir; era un escenario impensable.

Estados Unidos hoy tiene la presidencia "republicana" y el senado junto con la cámara con mayoría republicana. Existe un deseo por que sean los mismos republicanos los que limiten las acciones de Trump; finalmente él no es un rostro con el cuál ellos mismos se identifiquen. Ayer analistas de CBS asumían cómo ellos mismos construyeron a Trump al darle una enorme cobertura desde las primarias. Republicanos lamentan cómo permitieron su crecimiento y demócratas se preguntan si la historia hubiera sido distinta con Bernie Sanders porque Hillary finalmente nunca logró conectar con su audiencia.

Comparto una lista de ideas que eventualmente necesitarán una mayor profundización pero que son líneas a las que habremos de dar seguimiento.

  1. La misión de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan por minorías es aún más relevante en estos momentos.
  2. Debemos promover el diálogo, especialmente en contextos conservadores que apoyan abiertamente a Trump.
  3. El sector liberal y con "mayores niveles educativos" deben establecer diálogo con personas que inicialmente son "intolerantes"
  4. Un reto particular es cómo visibilizamos el rostro concreto de las minorías que hoy vislumbran un escenario de mayor exclusión.
  5. Se avanza en el tema del uso recreativo de la marihuana y el shock no nos permite discurrir sobre ello.
  6. Debemos construir redes intersectoriales que fortalezcan a las minorías.
  7. Tolerancia parece ser un término que debemos trabajr aún más como un "piso" de diálogo.
Hoy, recuerdo cómo las elecciones de México dividieron familias enteras en elecciones anteriores y experimento nuevamente esto con mi compañero de trabajo. Hoy me duele un video que afirma sin cortapizas "White life matters, mother fuckers!!!!" Hoy soy testigo de cómo el tema racial es uno de los más vigentes en los Estado Unidos. Vivo en un estado conservador. Soy testigo de una iglesia católica estadounidense que apoyó estructuralmente a Trump. Trabajo en una organización que defiende y promueve los derechos de minorías y con esto en el corazón me pregunto cómo lograré compartir lo que he aprendido a lo largo de mi propia vida. ¿Cómo explico que vale la pena respetar al otro y dialogar con él? ¿En verdad escucho al otro que piensa distinto a mí y considero sus posturas como válidas? ¿Cómo hoy comunico a mi hijo de 10 años, a mi hija de 11, a mis estudiantes de 17 que es precisamente la diferencia la que nos humaniza, la diversidad la que dinamiza, el otro el que posibilita mi vida y me construye?

Hace unos minutos se entregó un reconocmiento a los miembros de National Honor Society de la preparatoria de Kingsbury. Comparto una fotografía de estos estudiantes. Sin estar seguro, me parece que la mayoría de ellos son latinos y probablemente varios de ellos no accederán a la universidad por las dificultades que tendrán debido a su estatus legal. Deseo profundamente que sus rostros sean un motivo más que nos lleven a construir más arduamente una vida digna para ellos sin importar su raza, credo o color de piel tal y como defiende los principios más fundamentales de una constitución política.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016